Mastering Process.
Here's how my mastering process works.
It's not finished and I'm still refining it, but it seems to work well.
My latest song is not a good example, I'm going to go back to it myself and work with it more. but that's unrelated to you.........
And so!
It works best for starting a new project.
There's some basics to how it works too. (I'm amusing you're using fruityloops >.<)
Here goes.
Set a couple channels to 9% volume, as many channels as you think you'll need for your song.
Place a limiter on the master channel and turn up the gain so you'll be able to hear the sounds you're playing.
When you place a sound into a channel you immediately go in with the paremetric EQ and cut out frequencies you don't want that sound in. Usually you cut it out the bass where the snare will be and the subs at 30hz to tighten it's sound for example.
When you have your entire song made and the whole song stays under -22db on it's own(without limiter turned on) you can export it into a wav file.
You should be able to hear all the sounds in it equally.
You take your wav file in a new document and from there you can make small adjustments like tempo or pitch if you like.
Since the wav file is extremely quiet you will now begin to mix it up and out.
First use a Parametric EQ to selectively sharpen certain frequencies that will benefit your song.
Then cut off the lowest and highest of your frequencies you wont need.
It's popular to cut off the bass at 40hz and the treble at 18khz, where you cut the bass is your own choice really.
This is done to keep comfort to your listeners on different speakers for playback.
From here some compressors do the trick, if you have a harmonic expander in your plugins, I recommend that as well.
uh, lets see, last detail would be to make sure that it doesn't go over -3db too much on your mastered product. This is for playback comfort of your listeners as well.
I'm really tired, I'll talk more in the morning *passes out*