This is the first time I've made a raffle post here so here's the rundown.
We'll be having a character sketch raffle this Friday, December 14th, starting at 6pm UTC.
(US Times: 1pm EST, 12pm CST, 11am MST, 10am PST) <(all the same times btw)
The raffle will be hosted in-stream over at:
Theme will be: Sexy Santa Costumes
- It's free to enter.
- When I start a roll call I will say a keyword
YOU MUST POST THE KEYWORD IN THE CHAT TO BE ENTERED INTO THE RAFFLE, at least 5 users must post the keyword to start the raffle. - If you win please link a picture of a Single Character. (if you wait too long to respond you will be skipped.)
- Complex designs and characters will be simplified.
- Ideas are limited to 2 words, use them wisely!
- If the Raffle has a theme, the sketch will be drawn based on that theme.
- Winnings will be posted publicly at my own discretion. You may however request to remain anonymous if I post the image.
- You may upload your winnings to your own blog or social media site if you so choose to.
Limited to one sketch per person per raffle.
You cannot transfer your win to another user. Content restrictions still apply,
you can find a full list here:
Basic rundown on things not acceptable because people still somehow never read those:
Real People, Pedo, Illegal or Gross Stuff = No
Hope to see you there.